All Toronto Accolades Photos

Willowdale Manor Christmas Party
Willowdale Manor Christmas Party
Getting goodie bags for their first time at AC&C
Getting goodie bags for their first time at AC&C
Coaching with Jordan Travis - 2024/2025
Coaching with Jordan Travis - 2024/2025
Arriving for contest weekend
Arriving for contest weekend
The pool!
The pool!
Ilona, Beth and Wendy preside over Installation Ceremony
Ilona, Beth and Wendy preside over Installation Ceremony
Gail is directing
Gail is directing
Our "Sunshine" Director, Alana
Our "Sunshine" Director, Alana
OLG funding pays for a great coach
OLG funding pays for a great coach
The food!
The food!
Thanks to Ilona, Installing Officer, and Wendy, Membership Rep
Thanks to Ilona, Installing Officer, and Wendy, Membership Rep
Gail, our Associate Director, with Wendy, our Former Director
Gail, our Associate Director, with Wendy, our Former Director
Harmony Hall coaching day
Harmony Hall coaching day
The great ambiance!
The great ambiance!
Time to eat!
Time to eat!
The birthday girls, Fatima and Wendy
The birthday girls, Fatima and Wendy
And, of course, desserts!
And, of course, desserts!
And Centre!
And Centre!
Our red "Sunshine" women
Our red "Sunshine" women
Thank you, Marilyn!
Thank you, Marilyn!
Celebrating members' decade birthdays
Celebrating members' decade birthdays
Jo Anne emceeing
Jo Anne emceeing
Our yellow "Sunshine" women
Our yellow "Sunshine" women
Judy emceeing
Judy emceeing
Our orange "Sunshine" women
Our orange "Sunshine" women
We're all ready for the stage
We're all ready for the stage
Presenting cheque from Accolades to NeighbourLink North York
Presenting cheque from Accolades to NeighbourLink North York
Wonderful, supportive friends and former Accolades, Jane and Marilyn
Wonderful, supportive friends and former Accolades, Jane and Marilyn
Delicious Anniversary Cake created by Marilyn Cappuccitti's daughter, Carla
Delicious Anniversary Cake created by Marilyn Cappuccitti's daughter, Carla
Our Director, Alana, and President, Beth, with our two contest awards
Our Director, Alana, and President, Beth, with our two contest awards
An afternoon of carolling at the Willowdale Christmas Market
An afternoon of carolling at the Willowdale Christmas Market
A few of our guest holiday singers
A few of our guest holiday singers
Ana, Beth, Grace and Sandra
Ana, Beth, Grace and Sandra
Long time membership awards received for Ellyn, Wendy and Beth
Long time membership awards received for Ellyn, Wendy and Beth
Final touches on our Moonglow table centrepieces
Final touches on our Moonglow table centrepieces
A few of our "101 Dalmations", Lisa, Judy G, Rhonda and Ingrid
A few of our "101 Dalmations", Lisa, Judy G, Rhonda and Ingrid
Cruella de Vil,, otherwise known as Alana
Cruella de Vil,, otherwise known as Alana
Two serious puppies, Jo Anne and Assel, work on the movie quiz
Two serious puppies, Jo Anne and Assel, work on the movie quiz
One of the Accolades tables at Moonglow
One of the Accolades tables at Moonglow
Vimi with the prize baskets for our winning table centrepieces
Vimi with the prize baskets for our winning table centrepieces
Guests at the Anniversary Celebration
Guests at the Anniversary Celebration
The Willowdale Christmas Market at Mel Lastman Square
The Willowdale Christmas Market at Mel Lastman Square
Guest quartet, Constructive Criticism
Guest quartet, Constructive Criticism
Gail C., Stacey and Normi
Gail C., Stacey and Normi
Anniversary Certificates
Anniversary Certificates
Guest children's choir, North Toronto Songbirds
Guest children's choir, North Toronto Songbirds
Jack Frost was really nipping that day!
Jack Frost was really nipping that day!
Su and Tori
Su and Tori
The yearbook display was a popular stop
The yearbook display was a popular stop
North Toronto Songbirds
North Toronto Songbirds
An evening of carolling at Fairview Mall
An evening of carolling at Fairview Mall
Jane, Rhonda, Jo Anne, Judy G, Gail M, Judy C, & Lisa hang in kitchen
Jane, Rhonda, Jo Anne, Judy G, Gail M, Judy C, & Lisa hang in kitchen
Remember these costumes?
Remember these costumes?
Lisa, our sound system guru at Fairview Mall
Lisa, our sound system guru at Fairview Mall
The holiday chorus and guest quartet, Constructive Criticism
The holiday chorus and guest quartet, Constructive Criticism
An elegant holiday party dining table
An elegant holiday party dining table
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church hall - venue for our 50th Anniversary Celebration
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church hall - venue for our 50th Anniversary Celebration
You ain't getting "Diddly Squat" for Christmas!
You ain't getting "Diddly Squat" for Christmas!
Our party hostess, Rhonda, and our president, Beth
Our party hostess, Rhonda, and our president, Beth
The Toronto Accolades and Classic Blend come together to sing
The Toronto Accolades and Classic Blend come together to sing
Hurray for Santa, who's on his way after all! "Jingle Bells"
Hurray for Santa, who's on his way after all!  "Jingle Bells"
A year end thank you to Alana
A year end thank you to Alana
The Toronto Accolades
The Toronto Accolades
Elsie and Gail C
Elsie and Gail C
Party Christmas crackers
Party Christmas crackers
Wendy Pegg makes an announcement
Wendy Pegg makes an announcement
Judy G, Gail M, Jo Anne and Ana
Judy G, Gail M, Jo Anne and Ana
Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2025!
Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy 2025!
Bev was one of the MC's at the 50th
Bev was one of the MC's at the 50th
Ingrid and Normi
Ingrid and Normi
Spellbound regaled us all with their lively song
Spellbound regaled us all with their lively song
An afternoon of carolling by the Christmas Tree at Shops at Don Mills
An afternoon of carolling by the Christmas Tree at Shops at Don Mills
Bev Jackson and Area 3 President, Janine Schindler
Bev Jackson and Area 3 President, Janine Schindler
Alana directing
Alana directing
Bev and guests
Bev and guests
Gail directing
Gail directing
Founding members Mary Jo McInerney and Joan Chapman
Founding members Mary Jo McInerney and Joan Chapman
Lisa, Stacey, Sandra and Rhonda
Lisa, Stacey, Sandra and Rhonda
Mary Jo and Joan cut the cake while Marilyn applauds
Mary Jo and Joan cut the cake while Marilyn applauds
Beth, Jo Anne, Lisa and Wendy
Beth, Jo Anne, Lisa and Wendy
Skyfall, here with founding member Joan Chapman, entertained everyone
Skyfall, here with founding member Joan Chapman, entertained everyone
Assel, Judy G and Elsie
Assel, Judy G and Elsie
Terry Winter, daughter Julia and Val
Terry Winter, daughter Julia and Val
Another one of our treasured guests, Catcher, Vivian's service dog.
Another one of our treasured guests, Catcher, Vivian's service dog.
Judy C, Lynn, Rhonda and Gail M
Judy C, Lynn, Rhonda and Gail M
Warming up at Shops at Don Mills
Warming up at Shops at Don Mills
Say goodbye to another season of holiday carolling
Say goodbye to another season of holiday carolling